Print Good Packaging Design


Every businessman knows that packaging is their main weapon when marketing their products. Therefore, printing good packaging design is very important in order to maximize the best results. In the following article, let’s learn the main purpose and function of packaging design so that you can choose a printing company to print the best packaging design.

Main Purpose of Packaging Design

The function of good packaging design is increasingly important when your product is in front of customers and is lined up with pain products in the market, supermarket, or supermarket. In a typical supermarket, a shopper can be exposed to 600 products per minute, or one item every tenth of a second. Thus, the only way to get some consumers to pay attention to the product is through displays, shelf hangers, coupons, or other points-of-purchase, and, no less importantly, good packaging design.

So, knowing the importance of good packaging design, it is no wonder that much research is spent on motivation, color, psychological manipulation, and so on, to determine how the majority of consumers react to new packaging designs. Does the packaging design encompass quality, safety, differentiation, affordability, convenience, or aesthetic beauty? Or are they more than just what we can see?

5 basic functions of packaging design:

  • Physical protection: The product in the packaging may need protection from mechanical shock, vibration, electrostatic discharge, compression, temperature, etc.
  • Information delivery: Packaging design and labels can serve to communicate how to use, transport, recycle, or dispose of the packaging or product. For pharmaceutical, food, medical, and chemical products, certain types of information are specified and required by the government. Some packaging and labels are also used for tracking and tracing purposes.
  • Marketing: Packaging design and labels can be used by business owners to encourage potential buyers to purchase products. Packaging design has been an important and evolving phenomenon for decades.
  • Convenience: Packaging can have features that add convenience in distribution, handling, stacking, display, sale, opening, reclosing, use, dispensing, reuse, recycling, and ease of disposal.
  • Protection: Packaging can act as a barrier from oxygen, water vapor, dust, etc. Permeation is an important factor in design. Some packaging can contain desiccants or oxygen absorbers to help extend shelf life. Modified or controlled atmospheres are also maintained in some food packaging. Keeping the contents clean, fresh, sterile and safe for the desired shelf life is the main function.
  • Security: Packaging can play a significant role in reducing shipping security risks. Packaging can be made with increased resistance to damage and can also have tamper-evident features to help indicate the presence of damage conditions.

Thus are the 5 main functions of good packaging design. By getting to know these basic functions better, you can take strategic steps to maximize your current packaging design.

PGMA Pandaan offset printing serves commercial offset printing services for various needs. Contact us for the best offset printing services now.

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